"Zero to Hero: Launch Your PROFITABLE Digital Business in 90 Days or Less!"

Here's what you will learn in this FREE 90-minute webinar:

  • Strategy #1: How to Unlock Higher Earning Potential - Learn how to deliver higher value outcomes that clients are willing to pay a premium for.
  • Strategy #2: Omnichannel B2B & B2C Customer Acquisition Strategies - Create a seamless and personalized customer experience across various digital channels, enhancing customer acquisition.
  • Strategy #3: Proven Blueprint to Setup an Automated Digital Sales System - Integrate all the elements of a digital sales funnel into a profitable and automated system for yourself and your clients.

FREE Solo Digital Agency Webinar

26 September 2023 (Tues)

8pm GMT+8

Zoom Online Webinar

Register to reserve your FREE webinar seat below...

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Dear Aspiring Digital Agency Owner,

Are you a solopreneur, a beginner digital marketer, or someone who's looking to leverage the wonders of the digital landscape from the comfort of your own home?

Are you seeking ways to harness the potential of online platforms to build a business or personal brand from home?

Perhaps you're looking to leave behind the 9-5 grind and pursue a more flexible, fulfilling career path?

If you nodded yes to any of these, then please read every word on this page...

Unlock Higher Earning Potential - Without Having to Work Harder!

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, tactical skills such as building a website, implementing SEO, or running Facebook & Google Ad Campaigns are essential, but they are just the starting point.

If you aim to increase the size of your paycheck, you must go beyond these fundamental digital skills and deliver higher value outcomes.

This means your focus should be not just on executing digital tasks but on developing digital strategies that drive growth in business revenues and sales.

The Correlation Between Revenue Outcomes and the Size of Your Paycheck

The value you bring to a client isn't merely about the tasks you perform; it's about the tangible results you deliver.

A stunning website is appealing, but a website that converts visitors into paying customers is even more desirable.

An ad campaign that reaches thousands is noteworthy, but a campaign that leads to increased sales holds greater value.

These higher value outcomes are what clients are willing to pay a premium for, and they are what can elevate your hourly rate to new heights.

But how do you transition from being a tactical executor to a digital strategist?

The answer lies in developing advanced strategic digital sales and marketing skills.


The Solo(preneur) Digital Agency Program:

Your Pathway to Advanced Digital Strategy Mastery

Our Solo Digital Agency program is crafted to arm you with crucial advanced digital strategy skills - so you can differentiate yourself and stand-out from the crowd!

We don't just teach you how to perform essential digital tasks; we guide you on how to think, plan, and execute strategies that align with business goals and drive tangible revenue growth.

Here's how the program can transform your career:

1. Comprehensive Understanding of Business Growth Mechanisms: Learn the underlying principles of omnichannel acquisition, customer lifetime value, and brand building. Understand how different digital marketing strategies fit into a broader business context.

2. Hands-on Experience with Real-World Case Studies: As explored earlier, our program offers real-world case studies that expose you to actual strategic challenges and solutions. This practical experience bridges the gap between theory and execution.

3. Personalized Coaching and Guidance from Industry Experts: Fabian Lim and other industry experts are on-hand to coach & mentor you. Their insights can help you navigate complex business challenges with ease.

4. Development of a Strategic Mindset: Move beyond mere execution and learn how to think strategically. Learn to analyze a business, identify growth opportunities, and craft strategies that align with the business's goals and target audience's needs.

5. An Opportunity to Elevate Your Earning Potential: By equipping you with the skills to deliver revenue outcomes, the Solo Digital Agency program sets you on a path to demanding higher compensation for your services.

You become an invaluable asset, capable of driving growth, not just completing tasks.

The transition from a tactical executor to a strategic growth driver is a leap that can redefine your career and significantly increase your earning potential.

The Solo Digital Agency program is meticulously designed to facilitate this transition.

By understanding the broader business landscape, mastering strategic sales and marketing skills, and learning from real-world success stories, you'll position yourself as a key player in the business growth journey.

Master Omnichannel Customer Acquisition

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, consumers are spoilt for choice.

They research, compare, and evaluate solutions to their problems across a multitude of channels – social media platforms, search engines, blogs, forums, and more.

This underscores the importance of mastering an omnichannel acquisition approach, where each channel is harmonized to offer a seamless and personalized customer experience.

Our program educates you about the finer aspects of digital sales funnels and how to wield them effectively across multiple channels.

You will understand how to create engaging, action-oriented content for social media, SEO optimized articles for your blogs, and captivating landing pages for your paid ads, all designed to guide your prospects gently through the customer journey.

Additionally, we'll teach you how to develop & setup compelling online webinars that not only grab attention but also pique interest, stir emotion, and spur action.

Webinars are powerful tools that serve as the human touchpoint in the digital customer journey, offering an opportunity to connect directly with prospects, answer their questions, address their objections, and convince them of the value the offer.

But this isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy.

We'll train you to adjust your tactics based on the channel in use and the specific customer segment you're targeting.

You'll become adept at tailoring your approach and content to fit different platforms, ensuring you're always reaching your audience in the most effective way.

In essence, the Solo Digital Agency Program is meticulously curated to not only equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools you need but also to help you become a maestro in the realm of omnichannel customer acquisition.

Develop an Automated Digital Sales System

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, managing individual leads and opportunities manually can be a daunting and inefficient task.

The true power of modern digital sales lies in automation—a concept that can revolutionize and exponentially increase conversion results.

But how does one master this complex landscape?

Seamless Integration of All Elements

This program will guide you through setting up a complete digital sales system.

It's not just about sending out emails or reminders; it's about integrating all the elements of your digital sales funnel into one cohesive and automated system.

This ensures a smooth and engaging journey for potential clients, where no one slips through the cracks.

Mastering Automated Webinar Reminders

Webinars are powerful tools for engagement and conversion, but only if the audience shows up.

You'll learn how to set up automated reminders, ensuring that registrants are well-informed and excited about attending.

This increases participation and makes webinars more impactful.

Email Nurturing & Engagement

One of the core components of our program is teaching you the best practices for email nurturing.

It's not about sending one or two follow-ups; it's about creating a carefully planned sequence that guides leads through the buying journey.

From welcome emails to educational content, special offers, and re-engagement tactics, you'll learn how to craft a nurturing sequence that resonates with any audience.

The Future of Digital Sales Is Automation

Automation is the way forward for digital sales, and the Solo Digital Agency Program provides you with the tools, knowledge, and guidance to master it fully.

By automating a sales system, you'll save time, increase efficiency, and create a more personalized and engaging experience for potential clients.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced digital marketer, our program will elevate your skills to the next level, teaching you how to leverage automation to its fullest potential.

Leverage ChatGPT for Content Creation

In the dynamic digital age, there's never been a better time to establish your own successful Solo Digital Agency.

With expert guidance and the right training, what were once challenging tasks can now be seamlessly handled using artificial intelligence.

This is where the power of ChatGPT and our Solo Digital Agency Program come together.

ChatGPT is not just a tool; it's your partner in content creation.

It can handle a wide array of tasks, including crafting engaging social media posts, optimizing content for search engines, and even writing persuasive landing page copy.

From snappy headlines and benefit-driven bullet points to ironclad guarantees and engaging email nurturing sequences, ChatGPT can do it all, provided you know how to harness its potential correctly.

Our program trains you precisely in this.

We don't merely provide a walkthrough of ChatGPT's features; we ensure you grasp how to employ this innovative tool to meet your agency's specific needs.

You'll learn to create precise, contextual prompts for ChatGPT, leading to highly accurate and helpful outputs tailored to unique business goals.

With our expert guidance, you'll move from simply using ChatGPT to mastering it.

You'll discover how to adjust your prompts and use an iterative approach to refine the AI's responses, leading to content that resonates more with your audience and drives better results for your agency.

Plus, we'll show you how to experiment with various prompt styles, tones, and structures, enabling you to adapt and apply the AI's flexibility across different aspects a business.

From social media engagement to SEO, landing page copy to email marketing, you'll be able to utilize AI to enhance your content strategy significantly.

By participating in our Solo Digital Agency Program, you'll not just learn to build your agency, but you'll also acquire a powerful ally in the form of ChatGPT.

Together, you can carve out a space for your agency in the digital landscape, primed for long-term success and growth.

No Need to Reinvent the Wheel - Just Model Success!

Worried about starting from scratch?

Don’t be.

We provide you with proven funnel templates and automation setups that you can model your system after.

They're tried, tested, and proven to deliver results!

Win Your First Client

Conquering the challenge of securing your first client might seem like scaling Mount Everest.

However, with our meticulously crafted proposal templates, that intimidating mountain quickly transforms into a gentle hill.

In the world of digital marketing, there's a secret that often goes unspoken: You don't need a long list of clients to make a comfortable full-time living.

Sometimes, all it takes is one — the right one.

A single, profitable client with needs that align perfectly with your expertise can generate a substantial income stream.

This secret lies in the art of identifying the right client, with the right needs, in the right niche, at the right time.

Our program dives deep into teaching you this art.

We help you identify the telltale signs of a profitable client and provide you with proven strategies to attract them.

You'll learn to recognize the unique needs of different businesses and tailor your proposals to show them exactly how your services can address these needs.

Equipped with our proposal templates, you'll be able to pitch your services with utmost confidence.

These templates have been designed with the understanding of various industries and the challenges they face.

They will help you highlight your expertise and solutions in a compelling way that resonates with your prospective client's pain points.

Moreover, we'll guide you through the process of understanding various niches and the specific digital needs they have.

From finding untapped opportunities in emerging markets to recognizing lucrative possibilities in established industries, our training will prepare you to find your ideal client in any sphere.

In addition, understanding timing is essential.

Your proposal's success can often hinge on when it's presented.

We'll teach you how to spot the perfect moment to pitch your services — when the client's need is greatest and when your solution can make the biggest impact.

With our Solo Digital Agency Program, winning your first client becomes less of a daunting task and more of an exciting challenge.

And remember, securing this first, profitable client could be all you need to set the foundation of a thriving digital agency.

Real Learning from Real-World Case Studies

Unlike many programs out there, we don't deal in theories.

The Solo Digital Agency Program is grounded in reality, built on actual case studies and success stories from those who have walked the path you're embarking on.

From transforming traditional businesses to launching profitable startups, the program offers you insights into real-world applications of digital marketing strategies.

Here's an overview of three real-world case studies:

1. Profitable from Day One: WingsAcademy.sg's Omnichannel Success

Fabian recently founded WingsAcademy.sg - Singapore's largest retail flight simulator centre. In this real-world business case, Fabian demonstrates how a blend of SEO, Content & Video Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Search Ads, Media Launch, and Email Marketing can make a business profitable from day one. WingsAcademy.sg's success is a blueprint for employing omnichannel acquisition strategies effectively.

2. Transforming Tradition: Large Retail Chain's Digital Journey

Fabian Lim is currently digital advisor to a large retail chain in their digital transformation journey. A shift from offline to online, streamlined operations, and maximized profits, this case study offers an in-depth look at a traditional brand's pivoting into the digital age.

3. Streamlining Success: Global Digital Business Funnel

This third real-world business case is yet another success story in the making. Fabian Lim developed this innovative business that comprise a proven omnichannel acquisition approach and an automated webinar funnel.

The focus here is not only on driving traffic through an online webinar funnel but converting that traffic into lifetime customers and advocates through a seamless online community and experience.

From optimizing landing pages to crafting compelling copy and integrating various marketing channels, this ongoing global project showcases the dynamic and adaptable nature of the strategies taught in the Solo Digital Agency Program.

Your Pathway to Success with the Solo Digital Agency Program

The Solo Digital Agency Program offers a front-row seat to the real world of digital entrepreneurship.

Through these diverse and insightful case studies, you'll learn not just the strategies but how to apply them creatively and effectively in various contexts.

Through the real-world case studies, you have concrete examples of how digital marketing strategies are tailored, applied, and adapted to create successful business outcomes.

Each case study adds a unique perspective, enriching your understanding and preparing you to tackle your entrepreneurial journey with confidence.

Led by Fabian Lim's expert guidance, the Solo Digital Agency Program is more than a learning opportunity; it's a pathway to success, illuminated by those who have already achieved it.

Embark on this exciting journey with us, and let these real-world examples be your guiding light.

Who is Fabian Lim and Why Should You Care?

Meet Fabian Lim, the serial digital entrepreneur whose illustrious career spanning over 20 years has seen the successful initiation and growth of more than 20 online-based businesses.

But why should this matter to you?

Here's why.

Fabian isn't just a digital marketer; he's a trailblazer in the industry.

His visionary enterprises include FlightSchool.sg, Singapore's premier private flight school, and ClickMedia, one of Singapore's pioneering performance-based digital agencies that boasts a robust 15-year track record.

His innovation didn't stop there.

He further established the World Internet Academy in 2007, making high-quality digital marketing education accessible to many.

Possessing a unique flair for turning traditional businesses into thriving digital powerhouses, Fabian spearheaded the digital transformation of Yellow Pages Singapore.

As Chief Executive Officer from September 2017 to January 2019, he played a pivotal role in metamorphosing this conventional print publisher into a profitable, digitally transformed organization in just 8 short months.

And most recently, he successfully launched WingsAcademy.sg - Singapore's largest retail flight simulator centre.

But what truly sets Fabian apart is his passion for imparting knowledge.

He has taught over 15,000 people worldwide the strategies to building a profitable online business.

His teachings aren't based on theories or hypothetical concepts, but on real-life experiences and success stories, making them practical, relatable, and immensely valuable.

So, why should you care?

Because when Fabian Lim speaks, he imparts wisdom born of experience and proven success.

Learning from him isn't just about gaining knowledge; it's about understanding the practical realities of starting, running, and scaling a digital business.

By joining the Solo Digital Agency Program, you aren't merely investing in a course; you're gaining access to two decades' worth of experience, trials, triumphs, and lessons from a digital marketing maven who has been there and done that.

That's why Fabian Lim matters.

That's why you should care.

Your Future Starts Now

It's time to take charge of your life and career.

It's time to learn, grow, and make your mark in the world of digital marketing.

It's time for the Solo Digital Agency Program.

Shape your future tomorrow.

Are you ready to start your journey?


Fabian Lim

P.S. **Every Expert Was Once a Beginner**

The first step is often the hardest. But remember, every expert was once a beginner. Take your first step with us and we promise, we'll be there every step of the way.

Who should attend this webinar?

The Solo Digital Agency Webinar is crafted to suit various individuals who aspire to enhance their digital marketing expertise, build a thriving digital agency from home, or transform their existing business using modern techniques and tools. Here's who this webinar is ideal for:

Aspiring Solopreneurs: If you're looking to start your journey in the world of digital marketing, the concepts and skills imparted in this webinar will serve as the perfect foundation.

Digital Marketers of All Levels: Whether you're just starting out or have been in the industry for years, the webinar offers valuable insights and techniques that can sharpen your skills and take your marketing game to the next level.

Work-at-Home Professionals: Seeking to work from the comfort of your home while running a successful digital agency? This webinar is tailored to show you how you can do just that with the right tools and strategies.

Small Business Owners: If you own a small business and want to leverage digital channels for growth, the webinar provides insights on how to build and automate a digital sales system that can drive more sales and revenue.

Traditional Marketers Looking to Transition into Digital Marketing: Make a seamless transition from traditional to digital marketing with the guidance of experts who have been there and done that. This webinar will cover the essential skills and strategies you need.

Content Creators and Writers: With the focus on leveraging tools like ChatGPT and mastering content creation, this webinar is perfect for writers and content creators aiming to upskill and understand how to fit into the larger digital marketing picture.

Consultants and Coaches in Various Niches: If you offer consulting or coaching services in any niche, learning how to utilize omnichannel marketing strategies can significantly impact your outreach and success rate.

Students and Career Switchers: If you are studying marketing or contemplating a career switch to this exciting field, the insights from the webinar can provide a significant advantage.

Current or Aspiring SEO and PPC Specialists: With detailed sections on SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and more, those specializing in these areas will find the webinar invaluable in advancing their skills and understanding.

Executives and Managers in Sales and Marketing: If you are responsible for overseeing or managing digital marketing within your organization, the strategic insights from this webinar can help you guide your team more effectively.

Join Us and Transform Your Digital Marketing Journey

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice eager to learn, the Solo Digital Agency Webinar offers something valuable for everyone interested in the multifaceted world of digital marketing.

Take the next step in your digital marketing journey by joining the Solo Digital Agency Webinar today. Your path to success starts here!

About Fabian Lim

Fabian Lim is a serial online entrepreneur with over 25 years of management consultancy & digital transformation experience. After a six-year stint with Deloitte Consulting, he spent the next 20 years in the digital marketing industry starting in 2001.

Today, he is Founder of WorldInternetAcademy.com & one of Asia’s foremost omnichannel marketing experts, having trained over 15,000 practitioners over the past 15 years worldwide; and WingsAcademy.sg - Singapore's largest retail flight simulator centre.

He is also founding director of ClickMedia Pte Ltd, a digital marketing agency established in 2008 that specializes in omnichannel marketing - specifically Funnel Marketing, E-Commerce Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization, Facebook Marketing, Google Search & Display, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Web Analytics, Usability Analysis, E-mail Marketing & Marketing Automation and Chatbot Marketing.

In 2016, he founded FlightSchool.sg - Singapore's first private flying school for aspirating aviators.

From Sept 2017 to Jan 2019, he led Yellow Pages Singapore on a digital transformation journey as Chief Executive Officer. In fact, in just 8 months, he turned Yellow Pages from a traditional print publisher into a profitable digitally transformed organisation.

His online marketing clients include multi-national companies, public sector organizations, and top regional and local brands in the telecommunications, high technology, education, and retail industries including Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Polytechnic, Estee Lauder, Asia Pacific Breweries, Bausch & Lomb, Fujitsu, Pet Lovers Centre, FarEastFlora.com, LunchActually, Natures-Glory.com & IDS Aesthetics amongst many others.

Fabian has travelled extensively and been invited to speak on stages alongside other esteemed entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson, Chris Gardner (Author of Pursuit of Happyness), Adam Khoo, Joey Yap, and many others.

Fabian has been extensively featured in top news media and publications like The Sunday Times, Business Times, Channel News Asia, NTV7, 8TV, Straits Times Razor TV, The Star, New Straits Times, Sin Chew Daily, Lian He Zao Bao, Wan Bao, Omy.sg, My Paper, UWeekly, The Peak Magazine, Exquisite Magazine, Utusan, and Faces Magazine.

He holds a Private Pilot License with Single & Multi-Engine Airplane (Instrument) ratings awarded by the FAA, USA. He also holds an EA-500S jet rating, which allows him to fly the Eclipse 500 jet under single-pilot operations.